Monday, February 16, 2009

Mercy's Day Out

I took my black Labrador (Mercy) to the vet today to get his nail trimmed. It is always an adventure when I take Mercy any place, especially when that place is the veterinarian clinic. I refer to Mercy as my dog with issues, because boy let me tell you he has them. Mercy is a nervous pooer and every time he gets taken out of the comfort of his own home he tends to crap every place. I got to say he has gotten better going to the vet. The first couple of times he left a trail of poo all the way down the hall and to the exam. No bread crumbs for us, so if Nazis were looking for us, we left a good trail for them to find. Now everyone say it with me...EEEEWWWW!!!! Now he waits to get into the exam room before he poos everywhere. My friends I gotta say that is progress. It seems like a lot of trouble just to clip a dogs nails, but I'm here to tell you, that those things could have been registered lethal weapons. Shortly, after we returned home, Mercy passed out from the stress of the day.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I'm afraid I have some sad news to share with my readers this evening. A co-worker, Daniel Stafford, passed away this morning from cancer. I only knew him for a short while, but he seemed to be a very nice, but quiet guy. Apparently, he had been sick for a long time. Anyone who knew Danny knew he was a very private individual. Unfortunately, because he was so private no one knew the extent of his illness until a few weeks ago when the doctor determined the cancer had spread to his brain. Shortly afterwards Danny went on extended sick leave. Baker, Penny and I went to visit him and we all thought he looked amazingly well and in high spirits. I got the call this morning from his brother telling me that Danny had passed away. His brother relayed that his passing happened very suddenly and Danny did not suffer much to his family's relief.
I know in my heart Danny is in a better place. He no longer feels any pain or knows any fear. He will now know the true meaning of peace and happiness.
Always remember:
"Do not cry for what we have lost, but be happy for what they have gained"

Danny Stafford
February 9, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2nd

So I hear the Groundhog saw his shadow today, which means six more weeks of winter. Stupid Groundhog.

Also, in the pagan community February 2nd is referred to as Imbolc. A time for new beginnings. It's a time to let go of the pain of the past and start fresh with the rebirth of spring. It's also a time of divination, so flip out those tarot cards and see what this year may bring you.

Merry Imbolc to all those who celebrate it. May good blessings befall upon you and yours.